About us
Health Testing
Our Dogs
English Springer Spaniels
Cocker Spaniels
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
Rainbow Bridge
Our Puppies
Puppy Information
Current & Expected Litters
Get in touch
Puppy Questionnaire
Completing this form will indicate your interest in a WhiteSquall puppy, and does not guarantee that you will be approved. Please provide us with as much information as possible to work from. Please ensure you have worked through the vital information about our puppies on the
Puppies Page
prior to completing this form.
Indicates required field
Phone Number
Breed(s) that you are interested in
Have you owned this breed before?
What pets have you owned previously?
What attracted you to this breed?
What pets do you own now? Age and sex? Tell us about them
How many people live in the household? Please list ages of children under 20.
Is someone home during the day?
How long would the puppy be left home alone?
Please provide at least two references, with phone numbers. Please include your vet.
What are your expectations for this dog?
Have you attended formal obedience classes before?
How will you exercise this dog?
What is your first choice of sex? Are you flexible?
Have you raised a puppy by the crate training method before?
How did you hear about WhiteSquall Kennels?
Do you have any objection to our spay/neuter requirement?
Please add anything else you would like us to know
After submitting you are welcome to browse the rest of our website. We will be in touch soon!
Go back to the puppy information page
Go to the current & expected litters page
About us
Health Testing
Our Dogs
English Springer Spaniels
Cocker Spaniels
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen
Rainbow Bridge
Our Puppies
Puppy Information
Current & Expected Litters
Get in touch